June 5th

Broken Parrot
Week 23, Roses, Parrots and Abstractions. I repeat the post title in the first paragraph as apparently is ups the post’s SEO score.
This parrot ornament we brought back from Mexico. About ten years ago it fell of its perch and broke, still haven’t got around to gluing it back together.
June 6th

Okay not the most imaginative shot but I plead extenuating circumstances. After a swim in the morning my lower back went into spasm and doing anything was a challenge. The day was slightly lightened by getting a contributors copy of Dreich magazine which has four of my poems in it.
June 7th
No photo today as I felt so god awful with the back spasmming, even getting out of bed was a challenge let alone putting on socks.
June 8th

Managed to get the camera together thanks to exercises my Osteopath sent me. Simple enough but had to be approached with caution. Within twenty four hours there was a distinct improvement.
June 9th

Handy Shot
Since the trip to Cumbria I’ve been struggling with subject matter. This ceramic hand keeps finding itself in front of the lens.
June 10th

Something very calm about this image I think. It was taken almost as an after thought but I find it attractive and restful on the eye.
Sometimes I think I’m not going to find a subject but somehow something always pops up. With the abstract images usually somewhere you wouldn’t think.
June 11th

Another abstract image from household objects to end this weeks post.
Hopefully now the back is improving I’ll get back (no pun intended) in the swing of things.