June 12th

Abstract #90
Its week 24, more abstracts and oddities. Another image derived from the interplay of light on surfaces around the house. This one has a very calm feel to it I think. As does the one below.

It always amazes me how it is possible to make an image out almost nothing and using lightroom tools in ways they were not intended to be used.
I think these two would look great printed up large bringing our the architectural feel of them. The one above makes me think of Gothic Cathedrals and flying buttresses.
June 13th

Abstract #93
Unlike the image above this abstract has a solidity about it. None of the diagonal energy of Abstract #92. Another image made from the most mundane of subjects.
June 14th

Blue Wood With Tag
Some days I really don’t know what to photograph and this was one. It was a day where there was a lot going on but then most of my days are like that. This was a grab as I walked home from a meeting but it does have a minimal something going on.
What do you think?
June 15th

Split Wood
This wooden post cap on a raised bed had split. The texture of the wood was interesting as was the angles the two pieces sat at to each other. Making the image black and white really brought the weathered grain out.

Bee On Rue Flowers.
Seems I was having a black and white day.
Spent a number of hours in the garden trying to photograph bees, they aren’t easy as they are moving and flying and won’t take direction. This one stayed long enough to get this shot. Not the most arresting but progress for me I think.

Poppy Flower Bud
Really liked the texture of the flower bud and stem. Black and white suits it well.

Dead Leaf
Sitting chatting in the garden one evening I noticed this dead hellebore leaf. What attracted my eye was how much like a face or a mask it looked.
June 16th

Metalwork Detail
A close up shot of forged metalwork from an ornament I brought back from Mexico many years ago.
June 17th

Lava Lamp Dolls
Walking down Picton Street I came across this rather macabre re-purposing of a retro lava lamp. Reminiscent of some scenes in a Hannibal Lector movie.
June 18th

Abstract #94
Last picture of the week. Another abstract image.
Last night I had a dream that I was in the country and the most amazing light was playing over the land. However I didn’t have a camera to hand. Maybe my subconscious is telling me to get out more and stop with all these abstraction.
Okay that’s it for this week hope you enjoyed the pictures.