Week 20, Seaside and Other Places

May 15th

May 15th Abstract


At last week 20, Seaside and other places. Life has been a little disrupted due to visiting friends in Cumbria. I took photos through out the trip but couldn’t process or post them. Anyway here are the delayed images from week 20.

Kicking off with this abstract image that might be derived from a household object but also could be some industrial device. Whichever it is I like the texture of the surface and the way the light defines the shapes.

May 16th

May 16th Shadows

Abstract Construction

Often I find I’m using quite mundane subject matter as I grab a shot in a busy day. This image being again something that I photographed in my kitchen. Then with the help of Affinity Photo I was able to come up with this bit of op art.

May 17th

May 17th Rose Whirl

Rose Whirl

Out in the garden again and a red rose was in full bloom. I used a bit of ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) The blurring due to the movement makes the petals seem like fabric.

May 18th

May 18th Hotel Room

Hotel Room

The journey to Cumbria begins. We did it in stages the first stop being Shrewsbury and a night in a hotel by the river.

Nearly forgot to take a photograph in all the excitement of travel. However in a quiet moment I got my camera phone out and snapped this rather dull shot of the room, or is it dull? I’ve seen shots like this in exhibitions at very ‘serious’ venues so maybe it does have something of interest.

May 19th

May 19th Formby Beach

Formby Beach

A stop along the way at Formby Beach and this ramp caught my eye. I gave it a retro look in Lightroom.

Formby is a lovely stretch of wide golden sands looked after by the National Trust, it is a beautiful place not ruined by modern developments, There is a huge wind farm in the distance and a bit further down the coast towards Liverpool is Anthony Gormely’s Another Place. We missed it this trip but next time I’ll be snapping away there.


May 19th Bridge Southport


The second stop on the journey was Southport, a seaside town that has seen its ups and downs as so many resorts in the UK have.

A dominant feature is the modern bridge that links the town with the sea crossing the inland marina. There are many features of its Victorian past like the ornamental iron work below.

May 19th Iron Work

May 20th

May 20th Welsh Poppy

Welsh Poppy

Finally arrived at our friend’s place in Cumbria and the garden was in full cry. I decided a little ICM would be just the thing for this flower.

May 20th Cornflower

Also tried ICM on this cornflower, I like the abstract quality the technique gives to what would otherwise be a rather ordinary shot.

May 20th

May 20th Blackwell House

Blackwell House

On our first full day in Cumbria we went to Blackwell House which is an arts and crafts building designed by Mackay Hugh Baillie Scott . It is an amazing example of the arts and crafts movement. Every room is full of details like the one in this picture.

May 20th Blackwell House
May 20th Blackwell House

Blackwell is well worth a visit to take in the richness of the place.

Those are some of the images from week twenty, more to come. Hope you enjoyed them.

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