May 8th

Clematis Flower
So here I am in Week 19, Bridges, Boots, Bones and Bugs with other things thrown in as well. Like this clematis flower. Last year I thought I’d try growing four of them up some trellis work at the back of the garden, slugs had other ideas. This one survived in a pot so I gave a flower the submerged garden treatment.
May 9th

Alium Flower
I like alium flowers, their geometric flower patterns are very pleasing. However for this photograph I went for a softer abstract approach. Tack sharp images so beloved of photo gear reviewers are not the whole story.

Mustard Green Leaf
This leaf, shot a moment after the alium however is the other end of the soft/sharp spectrum. The raking angle of the sunlight really brings out the details of the leaf of this giant mustard green. It almost looks solid.
May 10th

Shield Bug Palomena prasina
Here is the bug mentioned in the title. It was hanging around on the garden steps so I got up close with the macro lens. However I got too close and it scuttled away.
May 11th

Abandoned Boots
These boots had been left on the pavement outside the house. I always find shoes and other bits of clothing left on the street interesting. Who did they belong to? Why were they left here? These traces of another person and their life wake the story teller in me. Maybe one day I’ll find out how an odd shoe came to be on the pavement.
May 12th

Second Severn Crossing
We took the train to Severn beach which is as the name implies on the banks of the river Severn. It is a rather bleak place even on a sunny day. Wide swathes of mud at low tide and the powerful presence of the second bridge across the channel into Wales make an interesting subject.
I liked the way the central section of the crossing is framed between the two supports. On this day the sound of the cars and lorries on the bridge was a constant backdrop. During lock downs it must have been eerily silent. Maybe you could even here the river and its noises.

Second Severn Crossing Panorama
Had a wide angle lens on and took several shots of the bridge and the immediate surroundings. I then stitched them together in Lightroom to make this panorama. I think it gives a sense of how wide the Bristol Channel is at this point.
May 13th

Aquilegia Leaves
From the massive structure of the bridge to something altogether more delicate. I left getting a shot to the last minute this day. Rummaging around in the garden I noticed the way the light was catching the leaves of this aquilegia. I also like the dash of purple which is one of the plants petals.
May 14th

Still Life With Bone
An old bit of lamb bone has been lying around in the garden for years getting more weathered over time. There was the seed head of a hellebore and a small stone near by so I put together a still life. I then had a bit of fun with the composition in Affnity Photo. I think the image has some of the qualities of a photorealist painting.
So there we have it a week of big and small subjects. I hope you enjoy the photographs. If you don’t like them please also leave a comment.