January 14th

365 Days Of Photography: Week 2. It has been an interesting week with lots of bright sun and also wet days. I’ve also noticed I seem to be heading in a more abstract direction. I’ve been interested in abstraction in photography for a long time and recently I saw the retrospective exhibition of the photographer Stephen Gill at the Arnolfini gallery in Bristol. His work has nudged me more in that direction.
January 13th

This shot is not totally abstract but the real point of interest is the jagged shadow. The woman just happened to walk into the shot as I pressed the shutter. I found it intriguing that the straight metal bar attached to the wall, was casting such an uneven shadow. I also like having a figure in the picture. The human world and abstract world existing in the same moment.

I quite often find myself photographing the debris that piles up in odd corners of the city. There is a sort of beautiful ugliness to this subject. The light helps as it was very bright that day and made the colours really sing. I went for a contrasty treatment of the subject that brings out the textures of the tags.
January 10th

A damp pavement and bright lights reflected. I liked the sweet harmony of the saturated blue and rose. Saturated both in terms of colour and the wet pavement. Not the most obvious subject but I’m always on the look out for the odd corners of the environment.
January 12th

The bright sun of the last week has thrown up all sorts of images. This one was a reflection on the side of a house in the centre of town. I could not work out where it was coming from but I liked the patterns it made. Again I went for a contrast heavy look to further abstract the image.
January 11th

Inspiration can come from the strangest places. I was at home eating breakfast and started noticing how light was being reflected in surfaces in the kitchen. I feel this image has a very calm presence, it reminds me of Rothko’s paintings. One day it would be good to see it printed large.
January 15th

Some days it is hard to fit in the time to get out with the camera. This day was jam packed with things to do one of which took me into the city at night. I tried to grab some images but really didn’t think I’d got anything worth while. However on review and putting aside thoughts about sharpness, camera shake, high ISO and digital noise can throw up something.
January 12th

Not every image this week is abstract. This young busker was giving it his all in the Broadmead shopping area of Bristol. No one was paying him much attention which I think the blurred figure in the foreground shows.
January 16th

I find objects inside plastic bags interesting. Something about the idea of wrapping or containment is compelling. Being able to see the thing inside the bag distorted by the translucent plastic lends an air of mystery.
17 Jan 2022Wonderful photos thankyou Marius!
18 Jan 2022Thanks Alena