Sunday Morning Joggers.

This morning I woke up to a cold crisp morning and got out as soon as I could. After the dreary conditions of yesterday this was a welcome change. However you have to take the weather as it comes when you’re doing 365 Days of photography. I liked the way the light was streaming down Stokes Croft in central Bristol. I was lucky enough to get these two women who were out for a morning run. Interesting though the light was bring out the colours in the shop fronts human presence gives another dimension. The relatively slow shutter speed (1/60th of a second) gave a nice level of blur on the figures suggesting movement. I’m glad I went out when I did as the sky has returned to January grey.
I haven’t set myself a theme for this project other than to look at the world around me and find images that are interesting. Sometimes they are abstract, sometimes they are street photos. At some point I will be posting up landscapes. Right now I’m city bound waiting for better weather to come. Later this year I hope to visit friends up and down the country rather than going abroad. Who knows if abroad will be possible as the pandemic is still gripping the world.