Okay I know I’m posting this image from 365 days of photography a day late but that’s how it goes sometimes. There aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything. The main thing is that the shutter on my pentax Q released and this image and the one below was taken.
I found the skull mural really strong even on a dull day of torrential rain followed by icy winds. Also wandering around with a camera makes me look and notice things in the city that I might not have paid any attention to if I was going shopping say. I wondered who Bristol Design Forge are and discovered they are a laser cutting and engraving service. Not something I’ve ever wanted to use but who knows in the future I might. Now if anyone asks me where to find such a service I can point them straight there.

Just a bit further down the street I came across this bit of graffiti. A subject that is much on people’s minds right now. Especially with the controversy surrounding Novak Djokovic and his vaccination status. I’m not intending to get into a debate about the rights and wrongs of the case, there is too much confusion surrounding it.
More interesting to me is to know if anyone is visiting these posts. So far no one has left any comments here. I get plenty on Facebook etc but I do wonder if posting on my site is a waste of time. It would be good if you do visit if you left a hello so can at least see someone has dropped by. If you could tell me what would make you come back for more that would be even better. I’m also wondering if I should post on a monthly or weekly basis. I’d have more to say and could more easily hit the three hundred word minimum word count to keep google happy.