February 7th

Blue Bowl
Sometimes I have to fit this 365 project around other things that are happening that day. That is part of the challenge. On the one hand it is good to have time to find an image, on the other when you don’t you have to use what is to hand. It does mean week six has more peculiar photos.
In the case of the blue bowl image it was there in front of me in my friend’s kitchen. A soggy coffee bag in a bowl might not be the most obvious subject, but there was something about the angle of the spoon that appealed. The way the handle of the spoon leads the eye into the picture. The textures of the work surface had something about them too.
I took the file into Lightroom and did some fairly heavy processing on it.
February 8th

Woman In Frame
Back out in the city wandering about looking for subjects. I decided to have a sit down in the Broadmead shopping centre of Bristol. Carrying a Pentax K1 mkii and lens can get tiring.
I found myself looking at the passers by through the glass screens of a telephone box. Once again my eye is being drawn to frames. Looking through a screen at the world, like we have done all through lock downs.
I particularly like this image, the mask is something we’ve all had to get used to. The colour of this woman’s face covering catches the eye.

On the way home I came across this tagged and more than a little burnt out wreck of a public phone.
February 9th

Blister Pack
For some reason I picked up an empty sheet of indigestion pills and held it up to the light and really liked the patterns the torn foil made with the circular blisters.
I then took the image into Affinity Photo and worked on it arriving at a rather pop art image. Not Campbells soup cans but nevertheless a mundane everyday object.
February 10th

Tree And Cloud
Got out of the city for a bit of country air. Well that and jet fuel as Felton Common is right by Bristol airport. However it was a relatively peaceful walk if you ignore Easy Jet landings.
I noticed this conversation between the small cloud and the tree and grabbed the shot.
February 11th

We have pansies in bloom in window boxes and the sun was back lighting this one.
I composited it onto a shot of a household object
February 12th

Another household object composited with images taken in the city. Again looking through screens at the world.
I find the grid pattern of the abandoned shop windows with the circular shape a powerful combination. The sense of distancing and indistinct forms of people on the street has a haunting feeling.
February 13th

Constant rain and wind, not the sort of day to go out and find an image. While my camera and lens are weather sealed I’m not. However I didn’t need to go far for this day’s photo. A daffodil flower’s stem had been broken by the wind.
The flower landed right by our back door so I got out there and took this shot. I gave it a softened look in Lightroom. I think it has a sort of Victorian atmosphere.
That’s week six’s crop of pictures. Hope you like them. If you do please leave a message in the comments below. Thank you.

Hammond Hazel
14 Feb 2022Thanks Hazel