January 31st

Graffiti Wall
The last day of January starts week 5 of weird photography. Not such a weird shot but I like the colours. This part of Bristol has so much graffiti there are tours for visitors to see it. Its funny but you don’t often see the graffiti artists at work. You go out one day and bang there is a new piece, where did it come from?
February 1st

Reflected Trees
Went up the M5 to Gloucestershire and walked along the canal that runs from Stonehouse to Stroud. The canal used to link in with the Sharpness canal and there are now plans to restore the derelict stretch and re-establish the link.
There is a lot of history along what remains of the canal, wool mills and other industrial sites. The canal was very important to the development of trade along the valley.
I got interested in the reflections of trees and other canal side objects.

Window In The Water
Just getting into Stroud when the sun came out from behind the clouds. I was drawn to the abstact shapes of a barred window and the brick work of a wall in the canal water.
February 2nd

Urban Chaos
Bit of a composite image this one. More graffiti, bits of architecture and that pair of trainers hanging on telephone wires. How do they get there? Never seen anyone throwing them up onto the wires.
I was aiming to get a sense of the variety and turbulence of city life, not sure if I did. Let me know by leaving a comment at the bottom of this post.
February 3rd

Friendly Face
Do seem to be majoring on graffiti this week. This grinning, or snarling piece is on a railway bridge just up the road from where I live. I like the simplicity of the drawing, the immediacy of the image.
I decided to go out with a vintage 135mm Pentax M lens. This lens is more challenging to use than modern digital lenses as focus and exposure have to be set manually. My K1 camera body does have a handy feature called catch in focus. The shutter won’t release until the camera registers the image is in focus. Okay enough camera nerd-ism.
February 4th

Marigold Flower
I wanted to get away from urban and graffiti images for a bit, do something a bit more natural. However only a bit more natural. This marigold flower was sheltering by the edge of the greenhouse so I brought it in for some macro photography.
I seem to be drawn to objects that are behind some kind of screen, on one hand that might be just me but on the other it could also be to do with the pandemic. We’ve been screening ourselves from normal human contact for nearly two years now its bound to have an effect.
I put the flower into a translucent plastic tube and then processed it in Affinity Photo. The hot and unnatural colours and the texture of the extruded plastic tube give this image a strange attraction . Life on hold?
February 5th

A simple image of light rays in a surface. What it is I’m not saying, just enjoy the strange elegance of the image. Maybe it suggests something, an equivalence with something in the natural world. If so please leave a comment at the bottom of this post.
February 6th

Last image for week five. Again a composite of a natural object ,and also in the plastic tube I used for the Marigold. To me it suggests something under water a forest of sea weed maybe. I resisted the urge to put some fish into the piece, think that it might look naff if I did.
Week 5 of Weird Photography Signing Off
Right that’s it for week 5 on this journey wonder what week six might bring? Thanks for looking.