April 17th

Mirror Of The Apocalypse
Week 16, a very mixed bag of images. A walk in the country, down by the river Avon near Bath in fact, brought me to this mirror in a quiet lane. Although the shot was not that inspiring often that is a spur to try out different approaches.
The result was this rather moody and indeed disturbing landscape reflected in the mirror.
April 18th

Another not so promising photo. However with a bit of playing and layering in Affinity Photo this somewhat architectural image emerged.
April 19th

Visiting a friend I took a shot of her vase of daffodils. Again I played around with the shot and came up with this. I like the strong graphic shapes of the daffodil flowers layer over each other. A decorative image.
April 20th

Abandoned Bag
Another shot of something left on the street. It always makes me wonder what is the story behind this bag ending up on the fence post.
I like the way the colours of the bag were singing out in the late afternoon sunshine. I darkened the background and added a vignette to focus the eye on the bag. An isolated patch of colour on a backstreet.
April 21st

A macro shot of the leaves of a sedum plant. Not a lot to say other than my eye was drawn to the pattern that the leaves make.
April 22nd

Decided to layer the leaf onto the grainy background that I had created from a shot I took that day. Photographers spend a lot of time getting sharp images and minimising noise. With this image I decided to go in the other direction.
Sometimes less is more. I think the look of this photo invites you to construct your own narrative rather than presenting you with a nailed down, tack sharp image.
April 23rd

Allium Flower
Spring is defiantly upon us and the allium flowers are bursting open. This one is a white flower rather than the more common purple. Although I processed it for colour at the last minute I rendered it into black and white. It seems to suit the image well.
Okay that’s week 16’s crop of photographs. Lets see what week 17 offers.