April 11th
Black Cat
Okay it might be ‘week 15 mostly abstract’ but this is a black cat, no fooling. He is a very friendly creature who appears out of nowhere asking to be stroked. For once he stayed still long enough for me to catch this protrait.
April 12th
Drummer Broadmead Bristol
Took a walk down town and came across this gentleman on the drums. He was drawing quite a crowd. When I did a 365 back in 2015 I was capturing images like this a lot of the time, some I published in a photo book Floating Harbour Floating World . Since the pandemic I’ve not felt too comfortable doing street photography but this is an exception.
April 13th
Graffiti Bird
There is a footbridge over the railway near my house and there is an ever changing display of graffiti art. I particularly liked the colours of this bird.
April 14th
Now Were’re Mostly Abstract
Searching for something to inspire I clocked onto a video on YouTube that reminded me of an abstract photography course I went on back in lock down. The video exhorted photographers to start looking for images in the everyday objects around the home. So these images emerged.
April 15th
Carrying on with the mostly abstract theme using everyday objects I came up with this. Something about the simplicity of the image really appeals to me. It has a monumental simplicity that made me think of a totum object.
Abstract #628
Working on the totem image in Affinity Photo I came up with this composition. And then –
Abstract #629
I worked the image further.
April 16th
Pollock in a bucket
Abstract expressionism or some random marks in a bucket? You decide.
Another week of this adventure. Hope you enjoy it.