March 6th

Week 10 suits and red peppers you may be wondering? All will be revealed.
Bit of a busy day packing to go away for ten days. Also the weather wasn’t great so I chose some measuring spoons from the kitchen and came up with this rather graphic abstract. I like making compositions out of what appears to be nothing very interesting.
March 7th

A drive up the M5 then across country to Shrewsbury.
There I am in a town that is knee deep in historic and pretty buildings. So what catches my eye? The net curtains in the hotel room and the way the light made these series of shadows and highlights. The muted colours made me think of designs from the 1950’s, all very retro.
March 8th

Suit on a door
This day started out with anticipating a further drive north to Southport and a visit to the Anthony Gormley statues on the cost nearby. However a Whatsapp message put paid to that. Our friends who we were scheduled to visit had tested positive for covid. Who still thinks the pandemic is over? We turned the car around and headed home.
Back at base I picked up the threads (no pun) of a project. Simon Morecroft has set more of my poems to music and recorded them. I’m now producing images for the CD booklet. One poem references a suit hung on a door so hey presto.
March 9th

Question Marks
Went out shopping and saw this question mark sprayed on the pavement outside a house.
Decided to put it onto a blue background and why not?
March 10th

Some days I struggle for subjects, especially when the weather is so grey and chilly.
I found a coloured glass globe in the greenhouse, it had fallen off its metal spike years ago. I wanted to make the colours glow and ended up using the torch om my mobile phone as a light sauce. I then went full on sixties psychedelic. I added a shot of a marigold flower.
March 11th

A really rainy cold day, not one for going out with a camera unless you have to.
Searching in the fridge I came across this red and a bit green pepper. I at once thought of Edward Weston’s Pepper No. 30 . Now I’m not claiming that this is as good an image as Weston’s, far from it, it is good however to recognise ones influences.
I think this image has a certain mystery to it and the red and green brightened up a dull and dank afternoon.
March 12th

Window Display
A house around the corner has an ever changing window display. I often photograph it. This installation has a surrealist quality to it.

I didn’t but I did take a snap of this command sprayed on a panel of wood.

Block Chain Anyone?
This new mural has been painted on a house on the Cheltenham road.
Seems to be in praise of crypto currencies, NFT’s and that stuff. Not an area I know much about but I guess I’m going to have to get up to speed with it.
I thought I’d be posting this weeks images next week but covid 19 put paid to that. Our friends are getting better so that is a good. Hopefully we’ll get up to see them soon.
Thanks for looking

18 Mar 2022I adore these images! Varied and original ideas and great use of everyday items too – I love the psychedelic globe! Great colours. Kathie Xx
Marius Grose
18 Mar 2022Thanks for you feedback Kathie. always welcome. Good to know people are visiting the site. Be a bit late posting week 11 as we’re off to London today.