Today I started the new year with a commitment to take photographs on a daily basis for a year. I did 365 days of photography back in 2015 and it was great fun as well as improving my photography.
The image above happened quite by chance on Stokes Croft in Bristol. I was photographing something else when a couple suggested that take a shot of the image on Frankenstein’s monster painted on the wall. The woman posed for me and her companion. This what I love about street photography the accidental encounters with people.

January can be a rather bleak month especially when the trappings of Christmas end up as an unloved pile of rubbish on the pavement. This was just around the corner from my home and the tree dumped like this said a lot to me about how Christmas is dominated by consumption and disposal.

I don’t know why this tagged parking ticket machine attracts me but I have photographed it several times over the years. I think it is the colours of the graffiti against the blue of the P logo. I’m also curious as to why someone would tag the machine with the word feral.
My first post in this blog. I hope you enjoy the images. If you want to see other image I’ve made click here
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